george michael i want your sex

George Michael sang that “sex is natural, sex is fun” but he missed sex’s best feature – it’s healthy for you!


Here’s a compiled list of 5 health benefits to sex.

Share them with your partner tonight.

Headache Cure

“Endorphins or “happy hormones” help make you feel relaxed and close to your partner.

Women get more headaches and migraines than men, which is why women are infamous for claiming they can’t have sex because of their headaches.

But in some cases sex can actually relieve some types of headaches and migraines, especially tension-type headaches.

Some people find pain relief in the orgasm while others get it while at the height of sexual arousal.

During foreplay and sex, neurones in the brain and the pituitary gland secrete two powerful pain-killing hormones during sexual arousal – oxytocin and endorphins.

Synthetic oxytocin is a powerful narcotic pain reliever, but natural oxytocin is effective at relieving headaches and mild cramps.


Top 5 Health Benefits From Sex 1
Sex By The Numbers
Click the image for the full blown Infographic


Endorphins or “happy hormones” help make you feel relaxed and close to your partner.


Better Sleep

Men are infamous for falling asleep after sex, but this turns out to work in their bodies’ favour. Some women also find that an orgasm helps them relax enough to drift off to sleep.

What’s so important about getting better sleep?

A lot!

With deeper and less disturbed sleep, the body is better able to handle stress because it is able to better concentrate, make decisions and learn new information.

Drowsy or tired people become easily agitated and have problems following instructions and making even simple decisions.

A body that is stressed has more difficulty fighting off illnesses.

Stress can help cause or intensify illness, especially if there is a contagious illness in the vicinity.


Stimulates Cardiovascular System

The blood contains the nutrients and energy that your body needs.

If your blood is sluggish, then your body will not work at its maximum efficiency.

Becoming sexually aroused quickens breathing, heart rate and blood flow.

Top 5 Health Benefits From Sex 2
Better pumping leads to better pumping (Pardon the pun)

This inner workout helps keep your blood flowing to all parts of your body.

It also helps stimulate the body to push out toxins.

And inside of your blood are endorphins and oxytocin to help reduce pain and raise feelings of contentment and security.


Weight Loss

Exercise never need be boring again. “Regular” sexual intercourse for a half hour burns a whopping 150 calories.

Weight loss experts advise that exercising for a half hour at least three times a week will help you reach a healthy weight. If you and your partner have sex three times a week, or a total of 90 minutes per week.

That’s 450 calories burned off in just one week.

But what if you are shy about how you currently appear naked?

You could have sex in the dark or find a powerful reason to stick to a diet.

When a partner is happy with your naked body then this is not only a great boost to one’s self-esteem, but also a pleasurable reward for dieting and exercising.

This pleasure helps to reinforce the habits of dieting and exercise.


Increase in Healthy Hormones

People with a reduced or inactive sex life suffer the effects of low oestrogen or testosterone.

Women also produce testosterone but at much lower levels than men.

Sexual activity helps raise the levels of these hormones in the body. When it comes to oestrogen and testosterone, it’s a case of “use it or lose it.”

Oestrogen helps women’s bodies maintain bone and muscle strength, keeps the heart performing normally and helps makes their bodies smell attractive to men.

Testosterone also helps maintain bone strength and muscle strength and heart health in men, but also can make them much more easily aroused than women.

Both men and women produce lower levels of oestrogen and testosterone as they age, but that doesn’t mean the sex drive is lost.

Senior citizens often report having a more satisfying sex life than younger people.


Got Any of Your Own?

That’s 5 – Can you think of any others?

Top 5 Health Benefits From Sex 3

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GuestAccount – who has written posts on GeekandJock.

9 thoughts on “Top 5 Health Benefits From Sex”
  1. really are nice sharing of the health benefits of the sex!!! We all know the obvious!! Sex is for pleasure, procreation and fun! It also improves intimacy, does wonders for your mood and increases your imagination!

  2. Well, the only real benefit from sex is the connection I get between both my lady and myself. Hey, that’s probably more a mental health thing than a physical one but you just have to love sex :)

  3. The five benefits are just a sort of summary, right? I mean there are tens of sex related benefits, but of course, one must personally experience in order to believe :D

    1. Thanks for the visit and comment, Trevor – though I’m not entirely sure it isn’t just a Spam.

      Anyways, so do tell then. What are some of the other ‘tens of sex related benefits’ and which of those have you experienced personally, to be true?

      Let’s see what you can come (pardon the pun) up with ;)

      P.S Please do get a Gravatar too

  4. Couldn’t agree more with all these benefits. Still, I bet that you get to experience them a lot less when sex is not great :) One should state that there are many sexless relationships or just relationships where partners are not pleased with their sex life. And when there is sth to truly upset you about it, perks are harder to notice :)

    1. Hahaha to true, Michelle.
      You DO have to be getting it in the first place to gain the advantages of sexual health benefits. Maybe a good conversation to have with the partner in a low level sexual relationship – might increase frequency a little?

  5. I’ve heard the good old, ‘Sex relieves Headaches’ thing a hundred times now but have never put any stock into it, really. It is my partner’s first port of call though when I mention that I might need a painkiller for a headache. Perhaps I’ll try it out and report back :P

    Anita. x

    1. You DEFINITELY need to report back, Anita :)
      You need to share your opinion on whether you prefer a painkiller or sex as the cure.

      And think about the increase in good hormones and maintaining weight loss too hehehe

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