stop at the wrong relationship signs

Look At The Signs

If you’ve recently started dating someone and things are starting to go well, at some point you’ll probably start to wonder whether you’ve discovered a compatible partner.

Things might be progressing nicely, but how do you really know that the two of you are going to continue to enjoy each other’s company, and be able to make a life together?

Compatibility is a complex thing based on many factors.

Here are a few things to think about when you’re deciding whether or not to get more involved with someone.

Now that's the life for all of us
Now that’s the life for all of us


Do You Share Interests?

Having at least a few common interests is essential to compatibility.

Do you both enjoy camping on the weekends?

Perhaps you have an interest in discovering the best coffee in town or one day working for yourself.

You might enjoy musicals or food festivals or the same kind of music.

Your interests don’t have to be an exact match: you only have to share a few key ones so you can enjoy them and discover more together.


Have You Got A Similar Moral Compass?

This is a question of ethics – the things that make up your attitudes to honesty, trust and how you interact with the world around you.

A relationship can’t work if one partner disrespects the other’s sense of ethical boundaries.

Think about questions like, if you found some cash on the street, how would you respond?

Would you be against saying you were on your honeymoon in order to get an upgrade on a flight?

If your instincts are the same, you’re more suited to one another.

You do enjoy each other's values, yes?
You do enjoy each other’s values, yes?


Do They Make You Feel Special?

Your partner should be the person who makes you feel great about being yourself.

If you’re always worried about pleasing them, or if they’re willing to ditch plans you’ve made together to spend time with friends, you’ll end up feeling like you’re not high on their list of priorities.

That will leave you feeling inadequate – hardly ideal for your major relationship.


Are You Comfortable Together?

It’s important that you can be completely relaxed in your partner’s presence.

This is achieved over time, but closeness and growth in a relationship is measured in little milestones – for example, caring for one another when illness occurs, wearing your daggiest clothes and sprawling on the couch for a day, or sharing your vulnerabilities.

To explore the concept of compatibility creatively, eHarmony recently ran a filmmaking competition, offering $10,000 to the winning video that answered the question “What is compatibility?”

Over 40 entrants responded with films in different aspects of compatibility, such as humour, character, romantic passion and conflict resolution.

And the winning video:

It’s on the topic of communication and is a playful series of interactions set in a coffee shop, entirely without speech.

Somehow, the two people involved manage to say so much without even opening their mouths

If you’re still looking to find a compatible partner, why not try online dating?


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Signs That You’ve Found A Compatible Partner 1

This is a Guest Post from our good friends at eHarmony. Check them out as they provide some wonderful dating opportunities, tailored just for you.

GuestAccount – who has written posts on GeekandJock.

8 thoughts on “Signs That You’ve Found A Compatible Partner”
  1. My partner and I started out as best friends. We were friends for almost ten years when things changed, at first it was strange going from ‘just friends’ to something more, but its was the culmination of the points you’ve raised above that helped us know it was both right and inevitable.

  2. Yes indeed the pointers you have highlighted to measure for a compatibility check are true. Reading the signs and interpreting them by placing in real life situations can get you through to the most compatible person. I am sure your article will help many on the look out hehehe.

  3. I loved the article. It’s true! There are certain signs that you feel that confirm to you that you’ve met THAT special someone. It can take quite a lot of dates to feel them but once you do, you know that THAT person is worth keeping.

  4. Great post! It seems compatibility is often overlooked in the rush to find a “perfect” match. People tend to focus on all kinds of superficial things that have little bearing on how well they get along on a day-to-day basis.

    That was one of the first things that my husband and I noticed: we seemed to be on the same page with everything. Even disagreements were (and still are) quickly ironed out. In the final analysis, we make each other really happy.

    I think that’s the question everyone needs to ask themselves. Even if your partner looks perfect, has the perfect job, car or whatever – does she make you happy? Are you able to make her happy? If you can’t accomplish that, you probably aren’t really compatible.

    1. And a great thought provoker, Aryanna!
      Are you going to start with the materialistic areas or the compatibility ones first, in a relationship?
      And I’d wager that quite a lot of people are doing it wrong, don’t you think?

  5. Good advice, I do think a lot of people are always questioning if there is someone better and as soon as things get tough, they give up to go on a hunt for this so called miracle partner who will do no wrong.

    No one is perfect, but you can really feel when the person you are with allows you to be you, loves you for who you are and makes you a better person. Of course this works both ways!! There will be arguments and tiffs along the way but the foundations to a good relationship are those mentioned here.

    1. Oh too true Hannah.
      And I can admit thinking the same way, in the past. The pressure can build up inside you and all you want to do is escape to a better place and a better person.
      But are you likely to step out of the frying pan and into the fire, you think?

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